The integrated commercial pilot course aims to train pilots for operations in twin-engine and multi-pilot helicopters limited to VFR privileges in commercial air transport.
It is a course that includes theoretical and practical aspects that are taught in a coordinated way to make the most of the knowledge obtained in both fields.
Theoretical classes are held in our classrooms located at Sabadell Airport.
Flight practices are carried out from Sabadell Airport, with new helicopters, the Cabri G2 model, of the latest generation design and technology for greater learning and safety.
The Coptering simulator is an FNPT II of the H-135 suitable for conducting MCC, IR and PBN training. Ideal for practicing emergency procedures.
- Private Pilot License
- Cabri G2 Rating
- 17 years old
- Baccalaureate degree. Or pass tests of level of academic formation in our same school.
- Class II medical certificate.
- 40hrs with Cabri G2
- 5 hrs H-135 FNPT II simulator
- 4 months approximately
- In order to register, it will be necessary to sign a training contract and pay the registration fee.
- We have different systems and payment and financing facilities adapted to the circumstances of each student.
- The school offers different accommodation options for students.
- 100hrs of face-to-face theoretical class in our Sabadell Airport Classrooms
- Subjects:
- Air law
- Structure and systems
- Instrumentation
- Helicopter Performance
- Human actions and limitations
- Meteorology
- General Navigation
- Principles of flight
- VFR Communications
- Exams at our school. Once the theoretical hours corresponding to each subject have finished, an internal exam will be carried out. Once this test has been passed, the student will be presented to the official exams. Failure to pass the internal exams will be a reason for not presenting to the officials, and the student must receive additional theoretical instruction (at his / her expense) to be able to attend a subsequent call.
- Official exams in a center accredited by AESA